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Dear heroes!

I'm back! Well, I've been back all week, but I wanted to have something to show for it.

The holiday away from writing and drawing was very useful. Initially I thought, maybe I'll take the offline peace and quiet and use it to finish up the last pieces of the OGA! But then after a few days I realized my wife was right and I needed a holiday.

So I finally tidied up the house after moving, threw away a lot of stuff, reorganized other things, took the baby for some vaccinations, spent five days taking care of the baby over the harvest festival weekend, and then, eventually, had one day for myself to go to the beach.


I found a mushroom growing in the sand! I never knew they did that. Now I know.

Anyway, after two weeks away from screens and one day for myself, I had some useful realizations. Some of you will say "d'oh", but the two books - the VLG and the OGA - are sort of of a pair.

You will recall they both stem from one book: the Uranium Butterflies. Now, the separation between the two was imperfect. The VLG included the lexicon, combining the glossaries of the UVG and other works, while the OGA included 20 character paths ...

... and it struck me that the character paths fit properly in the Guidebook because ... that's where they fit.

... and the lexicon, I need to keep separate but include the items that fit in the OGA ... in the OGA.

So, I present to you the really so very nearly completely final Guidebook - now including the additional character paths and example characters and additional items.

I also realized I need to closely revise the fighter and wizard in the paths section because they overlap with the default paths in the VLG. If I hadn't assembled them, I wouldn't even have realized, ha!

Meanwhile, with the OGA, removing the paths has clarified the structure: adventure seeds which also introduce local mechanics (at the beginning) + the world.

So, to that end, the different color gods are ... going into the different lands and getting some locations and local prayer flavor and art. This part is slower, because I'm also revising the text and now layering the interactions between the different lands.

Still, I suspect I'll have the Yellow and Green Lands ready to share in the next few weeks. They might be a little art light, because I'll be focusing on text over art but ... honestly you can never tell with these things. I might just get gripped by a visual and well, that'll get done too.

Meanwhile, on the campaign side - I suspect the first product we're going to get samples on will be the dice. I hope to have photos of the first drafts of those soon and share them soon thereafter.

Ha. I got to use the word thereafter.

Ok, this was just a really quick update. I have to go walk the dog and then take the jolly rascal that woke me up at 04:30 to see some fish in the aquarium, it being Saturday and all.

Hope you're all well!


PS - also a discord invite: https://discord.gg/sEc6suMCmE



Michael Llaneza

Welcome back, you've got good priorities. Keep listening to your wife's advice.


Looks like there is a big teal square on page 119


i think one example character at the beginning with all the accoutrements may be more effective than a few example characters with only attributes; e.g. what are Noë's traits? which path did they follow? what led them here? how did they invest their 300xp? etc.