Wine-Dark Sea (tskns-3)
- (N) the wall of ice, unmoving 16
- (E) the wall of sea, heaven-bound 38
- (S) the wall of fire, destroying 19
- (W) the encompassing currents 24
The waters purple, the sky whitens. Do waves chase each other there in heaven’s vault? A luminous aether hazes that convex expanse.
—That’s no aether, those are the clouds of a Middle World..
—I gaze at a world in the world?
—A world in a world. There are many. This is yours.
—Assigned, not owned. Your station.
A mountain on the horizon! No. A wave. A bulge of dark water glittery with bioluminescence. Sparklestar battles in the far beneath.
—The sea is not for you.
—Your speech has improved, daemon.
—Your body has healed, your brain rewired. I am of you.
Red clouds scud. Thicken. An oxblood twilight. Almost night. Winds. Clouds fray, coraline dawn. Opalescent glow, pink through haze.
—That is not a sun.
—The Pale Fountain, it pulses in that deep.
—What pulses in this deep?
—Ahh. Trouble yourself not with the Dark Collector.
(I didn't have my circular schablone with me, so this region got a square piece)
(I hope you're enjoying these little excursions that I'm using to keep my creative ju-ju going as I work away at editing the VLG text, ha-ha)