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Hello heroes! Welcome to the temple of the k ... oh, no, welcome to Monday.

So, that really short Dark Prologue? Well ... I wanted to do it write, and now it's ... not short. Sigh. Look, I had the best intentions, but ... umm. It's also not finished yet, but it's month's end, so I'm posting it. As ready as it is. It is what it is. I'll finish it by this week's end, but right now I need to go get some lunch. It's nearly three.

I'm going to really briefly outline how the rest of dark prologue works:

1. players get pre-made characters,

2. pre-made characters travel around the regions (or don't), making decisions and performing deeds, which ...

3. generate a dungeon back in the regular game timeline, a 1000 years later.

That's all there is to it. Seriously. But I'm trying to make it moderately easy to run, and the setting it's fun and ... well ... 


What we got:

  • a regional map of a small bronze age setting
  • a dramatic opening
  • four heroes
  • a few items
  • a pantheon and fantasy place names for those who like such things

What I'll add over the week:

  • some npcs
  • region descriptions and events
  • the clock
  • the heroic deeds
  • the final climactic event place

What I've dropped:

  • the GM-free variant, just too many things to handle at once.
  • a few complex, interlinked event-chains, because oh-my-god-branching-tree-of-possibilities.


I hope you like it!


—Luka heading to lunch now.


1. Hey, Luka, why are you publishing an unfinished thing?

Because of what I said a few weeks ago. I'll publish a thing a month. Some of the things are long, and don't necessarily overlap with the end of a month or what have you.

2. Hey, Luka, are you sure this isn't a bronze age thing?

It's a different bronze age thing. Also, it has space gods. So ... it's UVG-ish, really.

3. Hey, Person, why don't you just write more UVG?

I'll prepare a license. Then maybe you can do that, eh Person?




This is really cool. Thanks for posting! I love the unique special items - I’ve already pinched a couple of them for my home campaign

Víctor Jiménez Merino

"UVG license" >>Trascends into another plane of blissfullness<<


Thank you! I try to make every game-thing I write ... what’s the word ... modular? So it’s easy to rip bits out and use them in different ways.