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Dear heroes,

I was sure we were in the middle of April, but we're near the end. Well. I caught the covid, probably omicron, in early April and that took me out for a bit. 10 days or so. Luckily, aside from slightly less energy reserves, I feel ok now.

The book is at 308 pages and nearly finished. Of fresh content remaining, it's 38 spells and 32 vehicles. 70 things. That means we're getting close to the public beta. Let's go. Final stretch! Fighting power emoji!

Changes in v0.84

  • Added placeholders for all 20 spell albums.
  • Added spell stubs to several of them.
  • Added full spells to a few, including most of the veda of the cosmic logos album (to be renamed). 38 spells left to finish.
  • Restored and updated entire Phantasm album (2 spreads).
  • Replaced Veda of the Wicker Songs since it overlaps with Awakened Sphere and added Veda of the Master Force to play with ... well ... forces and force fields.
  • Redid the spell album format tables as lists.
  • Added around 20 vehicles, matching them with those listed in the overview tables (p132). 32 vehicles left.
  • Finished all the adventuring gear, matched it with items on the overview (p130). 100 total weird-and-less weird items now in the trader's catalogue.
  • Rules clarification: initiative edge case.
  • Started restoring meta-comments on rules, presented by the helpful Blue Skull (BS).
  • Restored some meta-comments in an appendix. TBD.
  • Did a manual spell-check up to page 54.
  • New (and restored) art: eye of the basilisk, tree of life, erebus gates, wormway activator, transfoldulating cane.

Other Things

No other things, really. Spending most of my energy on the seacat. Flowers came out. Walking the dog. Posting pictures of flowers. Umm.

Well, I know it seems very staid, but I do find going outside and taking the time to take notice of the plants and other living things and how they change from day to day, to be very good for my productivity and general well-being. I never thought I'd enjoy having a macro lens quite so much, but there you go.

Let's see how much I get written for the next update! It's been a long day of playing with uranium butterflies and I need to log off.

Peace, everyone.




Eric McConaghy

I also hope your are fully recovered. So sorry that you were sick.

Eric McConaghy

I love your art and game design. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us!


Thanks, Eric. Yeah, it wasn't best. Though, on balance, between face masks in crowded places and flu shots, I have to say the last two years have been quite healthy for my family -- aside from this last bout.