SEACAT Uranium Butterflies v0.87 - Content Complete! (Patreon)
Dear Heroes,
It has been a journey longer than I anticipated. I did not expect Seacat to grow so big, yet here we are. Content complete*.
This means:
- 32 pages of rules. The latest iteration of Seacat.
- 100 skills (maybe should rename those to backgrounds, but skills is fine), with 3 ranks each. All the vedas (the magic skills) now also have 3 ranks each.
- 100 traits, with 3 ranks each.
- 60 different advancement events for characters, for very granular advancement, as well as the tables for promoting heroes, extras, items, etc.
- 60 different pets.
- 60 different mutations, with at least 3 ranks each.
- 40 different burdens as heroes struggle through life.
- 20 spell albums with 5 spells each for 101 spells total (find the extra spell!), each with at least 5 different power levels.
- An item catalog with 60 different offensive items, 60 defensive, 60 rides, and roughly 60 consumables.
- 100 pieces of adventuring gear.
- And more weird stuff.
- Ouf. I think I won't need to add rules to the UVG sequel now, it'll just be weird places and people and events! :D
Changelog: What's new since v0.86
- Font change, from Caladea back to Alegreya (as in UVG). This means the tables will have the same font as the body text (but a bit smaller), however, it does mean I'll need to do a whole series of layout tweaks.
- New style for inline lists (bullets for clarity).
- New style for creature stat blocks (highlight box for clarity).
- Veda skills gained ranks
- Gentle Traveller trait gained 3rd rank (I'd missed it!)
- Master Force spells album, with forcefield machines
- Soulbreaker album, with many uses for souls and soul juice
- Cover art (behold!)
- New art: voice of god rhetoric, sisyphus felix, permission rescission, motorbreath, creation's tears, and more.
- Renamed Zu Kompleks (and the various "ineffable Zu" references) to Uz Kompleks. Reason: that stupid "Z" that Russia has decided to use as the symbol of their criminal aggressive imperialist war against Ukraine. Don't want to give them fuel.
Here is the original 2014 musical inspiration for Zu:
But who would believe me now?
Ok, I know I say it's content complete*, but there's a bit of writing left. So, what's next for Uranium Butterflies?
- With some snippy layout work, I've saved about 10 pages.
- There are some paragraphs / tables left to add. You'll see yellow shapes marring the space of the book. Those will get adapted.
- I plan to add more running commentary by Blue Skull (aka BS) explaining my thinking behind various rules / elements.
- I'll add a description of Attacks to complement Defences (page 47).
- I'm going to run a poll about possibly renaming Life to something that more clearly captures the attribute's function as a measure of narrative staying power (i.e. 0 life =/= dead, so why the confusion?). Additionally, a different short name for the attribute saves the letter "L" from doing double work in short stat blocks (Level / life).
- I'm going to elaborate on some of the modifiers for tailoring seacat to your own table and other options in the appendix.
- I'll need to review the glossary, to make sure it's happy.
- I'll need to add a list of all of you good people who've helped make Uranium Butterflies happen!
- And, of course, more art. White space is sin! All must be filled with art! Right? Right?
*So, it's not really complete, is it? Well, it basically is. I don't have to invent "new content". Now it's just polishing stuff up.
But the next update is going to be something a little different.
Wait for it.
I'll just say this: for those of you eagerly waiting for a sequel to UVG, this isn't it, but it is also not not a new location, with discoveries, and weird treasures.
Thank you once again for your support, good heroes! You've been absolutely the best.
Much cheer and merriment is had!