Stratometaship 2023 Roadmap (Patreon)
Hello, good heroes!
I thought I'd have this quick post done ten days ago, but color management intervened. Essentially, I spent a week troubleshooting the print files for the new UVG ref screen and map, because CMYK color management in Affinity products exhibits some quirky behaviors ... long story short: back to Adobe. Sigh.
Ok, what I wanted to share way before was a post outlining the roadmap for what's happened and is happening. I wrote it up over on my blog:
Too Far; Didn't Click:
This is the roadmap. I'll just break it down really fast.
SDM (Synthetic Dream Machine) is the renamed, looser version of the SEACAT rules that I'll be writing with going forward.
SDM: Zr0 is the one-page version of these rules. Gonna be free.
SDM: End Return Key (ERK) is the 32-page version. I'm illustrating it now (that's the art in this post!). Art-free version gonna be free.
UVG 2E: this is the second edition of the Ultraviolet Grasslands. It's printed. Here's a proof (not my hand):
Uranium Butterflies - Top Cat's Cut (aka BIGCAT). That massive book we made together over the last few years! I've gotta figure out exactly how to license it, because I want to make it easy for folks (but especially you) to use and reuse it. We're also going to do a crowdfunded limited print run for those who want a copy for their artbookgame shelf.
SDM: Our Golden Age (OGA). The class- and world-making book.
Other smaller 32-page zines. This is how I'll release stuff going forward. Standard layout template, so I save time and energy for art and words. Hopefully, I get Red Sky and plenty of the other half-finished things out to the world this way!
* * *
Ok, that's it! Uh ... questions welcome?!
Hope you're all well. We had the first plum blossoms here just a couple of days ago, their sweet scent apporting primules tide and winter's end.