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Dear heroes,


The pixellated digital edition! I managed to arrange a 32 dpi version of the UVG 2E for your enjoyment, fully compatible with your all-eras compatible personal electric entertainmentulator daemon device! 64 colors including 13 shades of taupe! Amazing, right?

... right?

Scientifically proven to cause 13% higher satisfaction among metahumans.

And the High Res Digital Version ...

Or, alternatively good heroes, send your oculars down-page and activate you down-loadulator protocols.

I'm really happy I can finally share this second edition of the UVG with you ^_^ as always, it's been rather more of a trip than I planned. But ... woo. Here we are!

UPDATE Aug 1 2023: As originally planned, the UVG 2E is now no longer available for tiers below metahero and neometahero. Thank you for being here for the launch and thank you for understanding!

(as usual - if you're in financially straitened circumstances and you send me a polite message, I'm likely to be able to do something ...).


I'm planning my next update with more Red Land (for Our Golden Age) or more Silver Ship Wizard (let's see where inspiration strikes) in about two weeks. Give or take. The following eight days I'm traveling to see my Mom and attend a wedding, so I can't promise I'll get anything done, but I can promise there's going to be some hell-jetlag to deal with.

Wishing you all a lovely midsømmer!


PS - note that I'm going to figure out some way to to make sure this pdf stays accessible to all of you. A file vault of my works, if you will. I hope O_O

PPS - if you're tempted to get the new deadwood hardcover: https://www.exaltedfuneral.com/products/uvg-2e

PPPS - I've figured out how to make a file vault! Or at the very least, Patreon conveniently set it up sooner than I had thought they would. They're rolling out a kind of shopfront, and I can have items there accessible to backers! That said, they don't bundle VAT in the price yet, so it's actually more expensive to buy there than on itch.io or dtrpg ... however, at the metahero tier, you get it (also on itch.io thanks to a new integration! https://wizardthieffighter.itch.io/uvg-2e)




Very nice! Well done.

Kevin Campion

Got a fright seeing sold out at the bottom of the page of the hardcover, but then I realised that it's probably not open of business time for exalted funeral yet 🤣 Thanks for the PDFs, very excited

Simon Forster

I'm impressed. These are excellent, and making these available to your patrons is amazingly generous. You rock.

Derek Bizier (The Halfling Master)

I don't suppose there are 50K hardcovers waiting for us, so I'll probably miss out because of work 😔 I really like the new layout here and the changes I can see in the mechanics section so far are well executed. Thanks for all the hard work on this and here's to rolling through the grasslands!

Dismaster FraNe

I'm so happy! I can't wait to have the deadwood artifact!

Richard Fraser

Any idea when the HB goes live?

Robert Haag

Shows as for sale right now.


Just made my order for the limited edition bundle from Exalted Funeral! I am excited. I'm ooking forward to the physical Chromademon Synthetic Dream Machine!!


And the limited bundle is sold out. Wow, that was fast!

Filthy Monkey

HI Luka, is the 2E hardcopy ever become available from an EU-based retailer? (where shipping & handling would be less costlier)


If it sells out, we'll reprint :) Thank you for the kind words, and indeed - to rolling through the grasslands!


The goal is for EF to have an EU-based distribution as well in the near future. I know they are also selling some stock to EU retailers, so ... I suspect it'll be available from some other stores soon-ish.

Kevin Campion

I have the HB and ref screen ordered now. Looks beautiful. Congrats on getting it out

Finn Jörgen

This supreme act of generosity has turned me into a Hardly Human antelope rabbit (L0, delicious) frolicking. :D

Sawyer Clifton

Congrats!!! Been so excited for this, have the physical on order at my lgs. I’m not sure if this is the place to mentioned it, but assets on page 166 still references a p.XX


Thank you! I think it's great to get the physical from your lgs. For the typos - ti's a good place, but you are the third reader to point that out :) At this point, I'm resigned to published typos as an inevitability of the process. It's like hunting bugs. On the first pass you catch 80%, on the second pass another 16%, on the third pass another 3.2% ... and then you're usually out of resources to do a fourth pass and 0.8% remain. Here is my errata so far: p.xx on p166 should be p.177 first p.xx on p174 should be p.173 second p.xx on p174 should be p.172 p.xx on p222 should be p.142 and this is after just one day. Hopefully, there won't be too many on pages 1–3 ... (but it has happened to me).


That’s dope! I’m so hyped for the arrival of my book order.

Sawyer Clifton

Do you know what page it references? I have always loved the way you could almost plug the game into a spread sheet and track it like a corporation… I’m a very specific kind of gamer :)

Dameon Gaynor

So stoked for this! Just ordered the hardback bundle. Can't wait to sink my teeth into it!

Eric Mains

UVG-2, p. 198, animate corpse source code; missing page reference to post-mortal zombie (p. 209)

Gary McCammon

Why is the party drinking cat coffee first thing in the morning if it's a sedative?


I can only suspect they don't know and think it works the same way as regular coffee? It's easy to mess up that way when you're in a foreign land and mix things up. I remember traveling once and trying to say I was tired, but my hosts understood me to be pregnant.

Eamon Mulholland

Necro posting because Patreon randomly recommended this post, but I just wanted to say that I remember when 2E released in print, and it’s the first RPG for which I sat there feverishly refreshing a page so I could order it before it sold out. Thanks for the feeling of release hype, I was so jazzed to receive the package and marvel over the embiggened map and fancy patch.


Oh, patreon has post recommendations now?! Wonderful! ... :D Hey, I'm super happy to hear - and that it seems the jazz paid off!