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Velma and Daphne go back to the werewolf parlor. Okay guys, heres your Halloween project for this year.

Gonna post the poll results and finish up Tambry and Dipper's Summerween set now. I spent some of yesterday freshnening up their designs, so next up is the WIP for that.

Original Quite the Clue Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/74642621

Originally I wanted to do a Daphne Velma hook up but the way i would do it, it would have like 6 pages of build up, and that isnt feasable for the schedule I gave myself right now. I have have been meaning to go back to the werewolves though, but originally I meant to show Daphne coming back alone like how its alluded to in the first page. maybe if she wins a poll.



Lambert 41

excellent. Well done moth.

Jim Billy

The way you do story makes we want longer form comics. I wouldn't mind the wait as long as the end result was your normal quality or higher. I think you could achieve a lot with a higher page limit

Lisha Goode

I would be surprised if any of the characters got pregnant. Still this was another great comic. Keep it up


Praying to see the Velma Daphne hook up one day 🙏


LETS GO! Hope Daphne can win a poll to continue this 🤞🏼




New Jinkies record, also Velma in that last panel just looks immensely hot. No fancy words needed..


So glad you continued the sticky adventure with Velma and Daphne, thanks! 😄