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Ever met a crazy vampire with latex gloves trying fast and aggressive asmr speaking nonsense?


Michael Rivera Morales

Rawr look at that vampire what beautiful lady😍😘😘😚

Chrys Ippus

This is a lot of fun! Hits all the triggers too. Also the way you say latex really hits the big tingles button.

Mitchell Houser

Egilea, this may be one of my favorite videos! Your silly side is honestly so cute and entertaining to watch! I honestly think more videos like this and just you rambling and doing whatever you want would be pretty cool! Also, you speak English very well; I have never had any issue understanding what you were saying or meaning and your accent is actually very pleasant to listen to so I think you deserve to give yourself more credit!


Aww thank you Mitchell! Gonna try to make more different roleplays and rambles here on Patreon! Much love and thank you for saying that my english is fine, much love!


This video is really fun. Impressive how even being silly, tired, and unscripted, you're still very calming and entertaining. And your English is fantastic. I've never had difficulty understanding you.


hahah yeah i was like...let's just be silly...everything will be fine XD