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Gabriel is finally let out for some air, though he is covered in two types of giantess spit.




gotta love the ‘plehhhh’


Yeah, that was the thing that I was excited to get to once the tongue scene was done lmao.


I was kinda hoping it would last longer 🙁


Yeah, fair enough. I figured since it was a good page it could carry the concept, it had many panels, and I didn't want to just repeat myself. Plus I did also like the idea of Juliette spitting him out so I was compelled to do that too. Thinking about it more, there is more I could've done while still having variety. That sort of comes with the territory when doing weekly uploads and writing the story as you go, you miss some things that are obvious in hindsight. Also worry not, there will be plenty more mouthplay sections as the comic goes on.