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There will be a short story with this for the full release when it's ready. But for all the robogirl fans and transformers fans we have some multisize with Arcee, Chromia, Windblade, and Nautica. You can see here that Windy is holding a planet between her fingers, and the other girls will have their own planets to play with as well when this is finished, as those planets will be just specks of dirt covering Arcee's foot.



Dan Ogami

Arcee looks comfy!

Great Scott

It's such a delight to see more Cee 👀


So it like big as Unicron but it girl, right?


Well, Unicron is around the size of a planet and Arcee here is so big that planets are like specks of dirt, so she's quite a bit bigger than unicron.


That is just his avatar in his weakest form as he is a Multiversal level and he can enlarge whatever he want to But why should I spoil it as let Arcee have fun of being goddess while Unicorn can chill out eating planet elsewhere I just transformer fan after all so I couldn't help being bit nerd


Oh heck yes I love seeing more divine auto-goddesses looming over all~ Especially Arcee... and a reseeing of Windblade~