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Ruto, princess of the Zoras, loved swimming around the ocean. She would often swim alongside pods of blue whales, the largest creatures in the ocean next to her own titanic species. Being very adventurous and outgoing, the princess would start to take further and further trips. The Zora's domain lied in the deep ocean, but on her furthest journeys Ruto would wind up getting closer and closer to the ocean's edge. On one occasion she realized she could see the floor of the ocean and the water's surface in the same spot. She became enamoured with this new, interesting, and different region of the sea, and found herself returning whenever she had the time for a long swim. She knew of dry land, places where the ground rose even above the sea's surface. But she had only heard stories, never seen it with her own eyes.

So on one particular day when the currents were calm and her duties were few, Ruto decided to head out on her longest trip yet. She was determined to see dry land. She got closer and closer, the ground below her rising higher and higher until she could see it clearly while just below the surface. But it was while she was swimming so close to the top of the water where she made a grand discovery. Swimming on her back, she looked up. On top of the water she could see some floating objects. They were made of a material she did not recognize, and were almost the size of the blue whales she swam with. She was already awestruck, but looking closer and at different angles she saw something else. There were small creatures on there. Her eyes lit up. Her mind flooded with memories of the stories she heard ever since she was a child. These were humans. They lived on dry land and were similar in shape to Zora, but much, much smaller. It was said they were so tiny that a Zora could fit hundreds in the palm of her hand with room to spare. This one encounter would be the moment where Ruto's strong fascination with humans would begin.



Isaac Clorke

Nah chief, no way did you just post Ruto art this amazing while I'm on a tLoZ brain rot. Instantly made my synapses flare up, that lighting and sense of scale is incredible.


Thank you so much! I was a bit hesitant with this since I rarely do water and I feel I didn't quite live up to the vision in my head. I still feel I need to do some studies and learn to do this even better, but I'm glad the effort I put in still paid off.