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Fairy Tail 183

Watch "Fairy Tail 183" on Streamable.



These fights are pretty... not great. They padded out 3 chapters of the manga into 3 episodes, which shows.

Michael Gume

everything after this episode are way better and things get more intense, the next episode will be interesting can’t wait.

Jay Aniakor

woooo new castlevania trailer out y'all!

Earphone Jack

This second half of the GMG arc is so good and intense. Y’all are really in for a treat as the episode go on. (And don’t even get me started on Tartaros but that’s down the line lol).

Michael Gume

I would do anything to go back to being 10 years old in 2017 and watching Tartaros arc for the first time again, the anime was already great but that arc made it my favourite anime. And technically it’s not that far coz after they finish this arc they can skip the filler arc (202-226) and the next one is only 7 episodes and then after that is Tartaros, so yeah it’s upon us.