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...man this was a bomb ass anime, can anyone tell me how many manga there are to this so I can start to collect them <3

Thanks for the support and next month is Death parade and Food Wars!!



ItsKikiKeeks (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 03:01:59 Thank y'all so much. I enjoyed watching this anime again with y'all ♥️
2018-02-25 21:24:49 Thank y'all so much. I enjoyed watching this anime again with y'all ♥️

Thank y'all so much. I enjoyed watching this anime again with y'all ♥️

Tony Ha

That's awesome! Don't forget about the OVA for Food Wars that is needs to be watched because it plays into the story of S3.

Jaime Soto

is there a way to give you my money right now so I don't have to wait till the 1st for the google drive link to rewatch this greatness?

Tony Ha

Unfortunately, that is not possible due to the way Patreon works. But luckily for you, you won't have to wait long, since March 1 is just a few days away and they will send the access once it has processed.

Jaime Soto

I would 100% paypal you the money direct but I'll do my best to be patient


Yes, i wanna watch fulmental with you guys!!

Rayn Brooks

I still need to finish the twelveth episode of Death Parade, I only got half way untill i got interupted. :(


OMG death parade and food wars??!!! DAM


you two got it lucky, watching this show week to week was torture