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Hi guys...

I sent to everyone i saw was supposed to have access but patreon updates  faster now so I may have missed some ppl...please CHECK YOUR EMAIL and see if you have access and if not post below...


Uploads will start later this week :)


Alex cleveland

Im confused a lil bit so how do I sign up for April cause it still shows I have access from the previous month still and I'm little confused on the message u sent Tasha?


I don't have access


Mines didnt go through.


did i send a personal message? you may have just gotten a notification tht was for everyone in gen



Ghost Tendency

Dang, just missed April by a day. Stupid life getting in the way, lol.


Hello. I'm new to patreon and I pledged to your channel on March 31st. I received your invitation emails for full and old reactions and I was able to access (view) one video, however when tried viewing another video, it states that the video cannot be played. I tried clicking on other videos to see if it just pertained to that file, but I keep getting the same thing for others as well. First time using patron so I'm a bit confused. Thanks ☺


That tends to happen at the begining of the month as alot of new people get access and they are all trying to watch stuff. So google drive puts a limit and gives you that message. Just wait a few days and it should be fine after that.

Alex cleveland

Tasha is my name on this months acess or not cause I can pay today if I can still make it for this month🙏


Hey so I was able to view the full reactions and old reactions folders earlier today, now every time I play a vid its saying there's a problem with the playback or that I exceeded the amount of playbacks even though I only viewed three vids. Also I dont know how I have access cause I didn't get an email with the invitation to view the folders. They just appeared on my Shared folders. My payment has gone through though and I have the patreon receipt, I can show it to verify if you guys need it.

Adam Johnson

Hey Im new to patreon but all of the videos say still processing . I don’t know what to do.


if you have drive already they just appear u dnt have to do anything extra, there is a faq on the page and on discord but plz remember every patreon is sharing 1 drive folder (ours) so even if u watched 3 times someone everyone else is watching to so u will get tht the 1st cpl days in the mont


Every time i click a video it says. The video cannot be played. What does that mean.

Nigel jocker

I dont think i got a email.

Nigel jocker

Or i got the old reactions but i cant find avatar.


I haven't gotten an e-mail

Alex cleveland

Wait I think I am signed up for April cause I check my pledges for each month and it said I payed this April. And I dont have acess so I do I get acess?

Kebora Weir

Hey guys! Had to update my debit info. Sorry for mia


What email should we check for? Sorry, new.


I'm a little confused, are we supposed to receive a new email each month if we already had access? If so then I did not receive an email.


I didn't get a email yet 😭


if you have gmail you can see if you have access to the vids via drive, they should say shared i think


I haven’t received an email


Any time I try to watch a video from the full reaction folder it tells me: "Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded."



jason ross

I haven’t received an email

Jonathan Surrett

I pledged on april 1st do I have access now or do I have to wait until may?


I didn't get an email


The email associated with this patreon is not gmail actually :[... Anyway I can still gain access ?


Oh okay... it wasn't working at first it was probably on my end thank you for the reply

Christina Jones

Mine still isn't playing yet? Google drive keeps giving me a whoops, cannot play message. How many days does it usually take to work out the overflow? I keep me hearing" she aint having it" lol


it varies sometimes u can look right away and other times it takes a few days, id try earlier if you could it always seems overflowed in the evening

Jake antich

I got the email but I get an playbacks exceeded message whenever I try watch any of the reactions?😢


I didn't get any email with the google drive link, I looked at the receipt from Patreon to make sure I pledged in time and they charged me on April 2nd, but when I look at my pledge history it says I edited my pledge to the 10 dollar one in March. Does this mean I have to wait until May to get full reactions?

Kebora Weir

My bad guys! I got access but not up to date videos. Could I get the google drive resent to me?

John M

No access

John M

By which I mean I did not get an email that I can find


Hi I can't access the email I used to sign in. Was wondering if I can get the drive sent to my other email?

