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...hi guys, I know you all are anxious for new access but please bear with me for a few hrs up until tomorrow...We had a close relative pass away and are dealing with that atm... I promise all new access will be done no later that 6pm tomorrow

Thank you


Arranit Malushaj

I’m so sorry for your loss, guys. Don’t worry, take your time to deal with this, we can wait!


I'm sorry to hear about your lose. Family first Always. We will wait Patiently. If ya'll need some time off just say so.

Eric Sanchez

My condolences. Please, take your time

Marvin tucker (Peace07)

So sorry for y’all loss. Don’tworry about reactions and stuff until you are ready.

Life Legacy

My condolences! We can wait, take your time 💙💙💙

Anne Sims

Sorry for your loss! Only saw the email today, but please take your time. You guys health and well being is more important.

Genesis Ray

I'm so sorry for your loss, sending condolences to you and your family. Take as much time as y'all need.