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hope you guys enjoy...ignore Tre and I




First time watching this anime. Who knew that a volleyball anime would get me so hyped.


I was so happy that Tasha recognized Hisoka VA. And the VA for nishinoya is bakugo


Nishinoya/Bakugo's VA does so much yelling, he must have no voice all the time, man!

Yolo Samurai

LOL You guys are a trip, but yea you watch Kuroko S2 at some point for sure

Dillon durham

I wanna watch their reaction to hxh mob full metal and kuroko again are they able to post them?

Dillon durham

Yea I see you guys but it doesnt show the anime in a box where you guys put it so would I have to load the anime and sync it with the time you start reacting?

Dillon durham

But when I watched you guys had it in a box below idk maybe I'm thinking of something else is it because I'm trying to watch it on my phone?