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Yolo Samurai

Now you know why so many people wanted you to react to this show. Hype-kyu is the real deal! :)


Can't wait for you guys to get to season 2!


Just caught up. One thing to note, the 3rd years staying is a big deal because in Japanese culture, what you do right after highschool generally is what you will do for the rest of your life. The teachers were trying to push them to study for entrance exams, which is why Asahi was cool with it, because he planned on not going to college. It's a very weird thing to us westerners, but it is a big deal to them, to the point that if someone is laid off after investing time, meaning like in their 30 or 40s and beyond, is not uncommon they commit suicide. As a society they tend to do that one thing for the rest of their lives and losing that is pretty life crushing.


As a side note, that is also why there is so much anime in that age range of first 2 1/2 years of highschool. That is generally the time when they have the most freedom to choose what to do with their life.