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For people that keep saying there are no items in their drive, everyone shares the same drive link so it wouldn't work for others and not for you. If you are mobile they  time to populate based on your internet etc, also if using the Google drive app it needs to be up to date. You can also try clicking in the top right corner, last modified to see if anything generates.


Tony Ha

Usually when there are no items that appear, I just refresh the page and they update automatically. Also, when I go into the folder of a show, for example MHA, I just refresh and the old and new episodes will appear. Also, for mobile, if you use the app, just drag up so that the page refreshes (same applies for inside folders).

Janelle Jones

Yeah that usually works, but for some reason I only have avatar episodes, no old reaction. Not even the old reaction folder. I have tried my computer and phone.. :( Well yesterday I had only a few avatar, today I have season 1. So maybe I will see what happens today...


I've tried everything. Went to the links in the email, went to the actual paetron website and clicked the links, refreshed, sorted by last modified, made sure the apps were up to date, tried on WiFi and on mobile network and I still got nothing


I've gotten both drive links for September access but for some reason it says that it was last modified August 2nd, so I don't have the folders for: Season 3 of Boku No Hero, Food Wars, or Attack on Titan. Not even Haikyuu is in there. So I don't know if I had gotten the wrong link or if I need to wait a couple more days...


The same link is sent to ev1, again if items aren't there it's not on my end because on pc I can click in a diff browser, not signed in and still see everything...make sure drive is up today date if on mobile and you may have to fiddle with options cus folders are modified often

Game Dragon

For Android users, I get this issue myself from time to time. All you have to do is go into settings and Clear Cache/Clear Data on your Drive app. It will repopulate everything properly when you reload Google Drive app. =) I don't know why this happens, but it fixes the issue consistently every time.