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So many of your questions will be answered in fate/stay night series. Also this was a visual novel dating game to begin with where picking the girl changed the story. In the Fate/stay night series their are 3 route/stories which answers your questions. Their is the Fate route/Unlimited Blade Works route/ and Heaven's Feel route where they explain some of your questions in each route. The 2006 is the Fate route that is kinda meshed together with the unlimited blade works route and heavens feel route. The Unlimited Blade Works 2014 route is what you guys would watch next in the time line since the Fate 2006 route was pretty bad. The Heavens Feel's Route is being made right now in 3 part movie format. The confusing part for many people or maybe just for me was accepting that fate/stay night resets the story three times IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND ALL OF THE FATE/STAY NIGHT story. So you'll see the same events in like the first 3 episodes of each route then the story kinda diverges slowly so you see more Saber in one route, Rin in another route, and Sakura in the last route. I hope this was kinda explained without confusing you guys or anybody at all. Sorry for this long ass comment.

Chika Ejindu (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 23:21:24 Yeah so Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (2014) basically continues the story and IMO it is more enjoyable than Fate Zero. Id argue Fate Stay Night UBW (2014) is more like an equivalent to FMA Brotherhood than Tokyo Ghoul Route A. Regardless, the questions you have are definitely answered in UBW. Hopefully, it gets picked next month :(
2021-07-11 23:21:24 Yeah so Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (2014) basically continues the story and IMO it is more enjoyable than Fate Zero. Id argue Fate Stay Night UBW (2014) is more like an equivalent to FMA Brotherhood than Tokyo Ghoul Route A. Regardless, the questions you have are definitely answered in UBW. Hopefully, it gets picked next month :(
2018-11-08 23:25:29 Yeah so Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (2014) basically continues the story and IMO it is more enjoyable than Fate Zero. Id argue Fate Stay Night UBW (2014) is more like an equivalent to FMA Brotherhood than Tokyo Ghoul Route A. Regardless, the questions you have are definitely answered in UBW. Hopefully, it gets picked next month :(

Yeah so Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (2014) basically continues the story and IMO it is more enjoyable than Fate Zero. Id argue Fate Stay Night UBW (2014) is more like an equivalent to FMA Brotherhood than Tokyo Ghoul Route A. Regardless, the questions you have are definitely answered in UBW. Hopefully, it gets picked next month :(


1) Fate/Zero is the prequel 2) Fate/Stay Night is 3 paths with the same start but different endings. Fate/Stay Night, Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works, and Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel. All of them expand on the events of Fate/Zero and each other. 3) Pretty much any other Fate/(whatever) out there is standalone and mostly unrelated.


Yes Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works continues the story that is next, ignore the 2006 version.

Ryoma Nagare

Yeah basically what the others said. F/SN Unlimited Blade Works (2015 series) is the continuation of this story. Done by the same studio. Ignore the 2006 anime.

Jamari Anderson

Yeah after fate zero your suppose to go to fate stay night unlimited blade works because all the series are kinda intertwined with one another, so to understand the story as a whole you will need to watch all of them.


Yeah that is the biggest con with Fate/Zero, there is a lot of good going for it but in the end this is a prequel for Fate/Unlimited Blade works (anime not movie), and the Fate/Heavens Feel movies. Just don't watch the Fate/Stay Night that came out in 2006, it not made by the same studio and just mixes up the plot lines of Blade works and Heavens Feel (which are two different story lines from the game Fate originally came from) making the 2006 anime out to be a mess that was decided to be fix with ufotable's adaptation. so it's just better to watch Unlimited Blade anime (not the movie).