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So I never read the manga and finish this anime and boy its gonna be super rushed for you guys when you experience it. By the way the person that got married in episode 19 was touka's classmate from tokyo ghoul season 1 and 2 the one that always hangs out with her. I didn't even know that was her until i looked at a reddit guide that someone put together and pieced in all the missing context I wasn't understanding.


Im a non manga reader also i loved s1 and s2 although s2 had some random parts and a annoying ending. Part 1 of s3 i was extremely disappointed in the art and animation it wasn't as fluid as the previous seasons especially when it came to the kagunes and the quinque but the biggest disappointment was how rushed it was and all these random characters being brought it like we were supposed to know who they are. THEN part 2 came out and they rushed it so much more that i was completely clueless most the time to what was going on im glad you mentioned about Toukas class mate because i was watching that par thinking who the fuck are these people it seems like i am supposed to care about whats happening here. I have read they normally do 2-4 chapters max per episode but in part 2 they were doing at least 10 chapters a ep, i used to look forward to Tokyo ghoul every week during s1 and 2 i would watch it within an hour of release but this season i have pretty much gone weeks without watching episodes. They completely butchered it! I might watch these reactions just to see what they think about it. Heres hoping another studio comes along and remakes it like ufotable did with FSN/UBW


Tre nobody was rushing anybody. The author was able to end the series on his own terms. The group of people animating this is just cutting out so much that it feels rushed and they have been doing this since season 1. Taking out what's important to the story, inserting what isn't, and rearranging what happens. The only reason you don't remember Touka's friend from school is because they cut out the little screen time she had in the manga. The only reason you are confused about Mutsuki is because from the start of re: the anime has omitted the fact that she is girl pretending to be a boy (with valid reasons that lead up to why she is so crazy now) It's nobody but the Studio's fault.


Also to answer your question Tasha it's about 4-5 chapters that was skipped between the wedding and Touka trying to eat a burger (which is just collectively two pages) then they skip a few more pages in the next chapter for the scene where Nishi breaks the news to Kaneki. I imagine they might go back to the chapters they skipped in the next episode or so... I noticed they were doing this quite frequently in re: ...