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Y'all should react to the movie when y'all finish the anime. The movie is freakin awesome. Maybe watch on Rab.it with us


^^^^^^^^^^^^^definitely react to the movie its also on crunchyroll and its called LAST GAME.

Yolo Samurai

Damn son, that last game got you pulling out the Love and Basketball "Double or Nothing" scene? Thats when you know its deep lol


I'm new so forgive me if this is a stupid question, but how do I actually watch the video? I'm a super realist and it's saying "unlocked," but I'm not able to see a video only a picture. Help!!

Yolo Samurai

You can view through the google drive link they send to your inbox. If you just subscribed, it may take a minute for them to send you the google drive link, but check your inbox messages for the link.