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AOT 4X14 full

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omg finally!!!! ah i'm so happy


I can't believe there are going to be a few episodes left.

This is Fine

Thing on Zeke’s back was his harding for his nape. Like you said Eren is a hypocrite this idiot despite having about three different personalities and memories already in him. Eren has always been a slave to his emotions. He can try to have the veneer of maturity but at the end of the day he’s still the same scared, angry, and emotionally stunted little boy crying out in anger because his mother was taken from him.


Every time they try him, Levi gotta put them back in their place!!!!!!!!!!!


Here we go!

Ashlee Smith

Splitting cheeks on screen... I wasn’t excepting it! Also anyone notice when Zeke was talking Levi was slowly coming up from behind?!

Patrick Guillaume

This episode deserves its title. I honestly Eren is full of shit right now. He's lying to probably alienate them and keep them safe. Remember a few episodes ago we got the flashback on the chariot when he was talking about who inherits his titan. He said he loved them all and didn't want them to die. So he has to be plotting. I can't accept his treatment of Mikasa. It can't be real..

Earphone Jack

Everything Eren said when he was talking to Armin and Mikasa....he did not mean one bit. Everything he said was a lie in order to push them away from him so they didn’t have to bear the stuff he’s about to do. And if you really paid attention to his face you can tell that everything about that convo killed him on the inside.

J Thunder

The theme song is starting to grow on me.