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Batwoman 2x11 full

Watch "Batwoman 2x11 full" on Streamable.


Dana (Dah-Nah)

I think The Flash set would burst into flames before they let Candice have any type of braid 😭


I hope season 3 Alice is pregnant with Ocean’s baby. Imagine an aggressive hormonal Alice ready to destroy Gotham if she can’t get a milkshake at 3am because “the baby wants it”. Lmao


Diggle episodes definitely wont be lining up. Hes JUST filming Supergirl ep 12 right now. That wont play till after some of these seasons have ended.

Marcus Robertson

In Batwoman's defense, they've actually had legit reasons for their breaks mostly (they usually break for awards shows and events like the Superbowl and next week is the Oscars)