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Batwoman 2x12 full

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Dana (Dah-Nah)

they mentioned the fact that Kate/Circe will sound different, are they gonna explain why she's now taller than Sophie when Sophie used to be taller than Kate jfskjsd

Dana (Dah-Nah)

also no one from this show but Kate has met anyone else in the universe, Luke only knows of Kara but he hasn't met anyone so Luke can't call Felicity or Cisco

Jorge A Velasquez

I think the main reason they set it up for Alice to get captured was so they can put her in the same cell Kate was in.... thats where they ripped off Kate's necklace and Alice is goin to find it, so she can kno Black Mask was the one who took Kate


It honestly feel like the writers are purposely trying to make us hate Ryan for Kate.


Sophie needs to leave the Crows and join the Bat Team. It’s all coming together I feel


True like it sets up Alice potentially knowing that person is Kate, but at the same time, Ryan leaving Alice was a bad call after Alice helped her. Now that I think about it, It is almost the same as how Kate locked up Alice in S1 after she helped her. It’s crazy

Walter Alcaraz

Yes, Tre and Tasha are right. Rachel Skarsten as Alice is the main reason I watch the show now, along with my crush on Mary. Ryan's single-minded focus on Angelique turned me off. It caused her to make a bunch of mistakes that everyone else had to cover for, and she still thinks her sh*t don't stink. I mean ordering people like Luke and Mary and telling them to do what she wants. Also, often ignoring their advice. Hopefully, now that Angelique will be gone, Ryan can become a better character. Tasha's idea of having Kate/Circe kill Ocean and then Alice finding out the whole thing is a damn fine one. I hope the writers are smart enough to do something like that. I feel Ocean might not last past this season either. Also, yes, Sophie appears to be the smartest apple in the Gotham orchard right now. Also, Tasha wondering about that fire at Arkham Asylum, that was last season. When Alice and Mouse were inside, Alice set the fire so that she, Tommy Elliott (Hush), and Mouse could escape. Mouse didn't want to go, and Alice had to drag him out after flipping his doctor disguise mask into the flames. All this was at the time, Hush kidnapped those people to try to get them to decipher the book about the Batsuit/Batwoman. Remember, Luke ended up using those glasses his father left him which immediately decrypted the book's writing.

Walter Alcaraz

Well... in this, she was wearing high platform boots, higher than the shoes Alice wore. That gave her a few extra inches. Seems we'll always see her this way.

Walter Alcaraz

Also, it appears the shows want to keep their stories and characters as local as possible, with only brief mentions of characters of the other shows, even though they are all on the same Earth now. It is somewhat frustrating, as another set of shows I watch, the NBC Chicago ones, they do TRUE regular crossovers, with characters from one show frequently appearing without notice on the others. Although, with them all being in the same city (Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D.) it is easier and expected.

Walter Alcaraz

I would rather her stay with the Crows. That would allow the Bat Team to have a "mole" with the Crows.


@Walter Alcaraz yeah true like Sophie saved Ryan’s butt and would be great getting info


That wasn’t Ruby’s voice. It was Wallis. She just tried to sound like Ruby with that deeper tone of voice. Ruby sounds very different and Ruby could never get rid of her Australian accent 100%. There was always a hint of it there. Wallis sounded 100% American in that scene and all of the others. And they didn’t focus in on her face because it’s a new actress and they want to have that big reveal.


I’m pretty sure the showrunners wanted Wallis Day as Kate Kane to begin with back during Elseworlds, but since she was still a main character in Krypton she didn’t have the time and availability.