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Watch "blkclov34" on Streamable.



It’s on hiatus right now I believe

Anthony Stone

The anime won't be coming back for awhile but a movie was announced for it I believe


Tasha with the Artemis ponytail!!!! Poppin ponytail!

Zenru Renari

Tre needs to realize not everything is being stolen or inspired from Naruto. He one of them Naruto fans that swear every new gen anime is ripping off Naruto. “Never give up” is a basic anime protagonist trope, and it’s not a bad lesson to teach. Naruto didn’t trademark it or copyright it. Other anime’s can use it too. smh. Every little comparison that happened in Naruto he swears they ripped off Naruto, like no, some people have similar ideas and something just can’t be helped. if it was inspired from Naruto they would say that. So relax. Naruto isn’t the blueprint.

StealthyBritt .

I just confused why u record when u know its low 😭 I wanted this episode to be louder

Phonic Reassignment

black clover doesnt believe in fillers so they're taking a couple years off for the manga to get some distance which wouldnt be the case if the show was seasonal, this anime just went for 4-5 years straight and now its too close to the manga so they are taking maybe 2 years off to distance from the manga