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Please bear with us while we deal with issued with vimeo

also newest vids will go str8 to drive for now so remember to copy video then watch, to help your neighbor who wants to view too..

also if anyone knows another hosting site like this please let us know, tysm



Heres a link to a couple of video hosting sites. I hope one of these is able to help you! https://bloggingwizard.com/video-hosting-sites/


Vimeo is tellling you that you have high bandwidth too and that they want to charge you like $2000 a month? They have been doing that to almost all reactors on patreon and everyone had to start uplading elsewhere, like Streamable for example.

Julien Kohlman

This sucks I literally just got food ready to sit down and watch GunPowder Milkshake with ya guys. Hope you can find another host soon and don't let this get ya down.


There’s a Website called MEGA you can look at that.

Dennis T Smith II

Think double dragon had the same issue and they moved to streamable. Yaboiroshi uses it too


I know the other reactors I watch used like dropbox, google drive, pcloud, onehub.

Natalia D



Dropbox works pretty well

Jink5 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-22 04:50:51 Vimeo is going around getting rid of reaction channels... streamable is the new wave
2021-07-20 23:57:55 Vimeo is going around getting rid of reaction channels... streamable is the new wave

Vimeo is going around getting rid of reaction channels... streamable is the new wave


Streamable is a good one I see other reactors use


ty all, cooking it up now give us a few days to move content and anything new will go to drive


also its working for now while we "figure something out"


There’s breachtv. Also if y’all can, talk to blindwave. They got something going on where they post everything on some site but only way you can access it is by being a Patreon member


I've watched a few reactions from Imon_snow channel where the link was to Streamable


Its Old vids but how do I access the Noragami post? I don't see the link