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Kade Wilson

where my boruto fans at 👀?


tokyo revenges FORSURE gonna have tasha theory crafting ALLL DAYYY and gonna fuck y’all up!

Paulo Ricardo

Tokyo Revengers all day


Damn. This is a hard one, all of these are good

Jamari Anderson

Honestly all four are good, especially the top 3, and I’d be happy with any of them, but I have to go with Tokyo Revengers on this one.


I gotta give it to slime. its sooooo good

Markub El Jaden

Tokyo Revengers is so overrated, 20 episodes and nothing happened. I would much prefer it if To Your Eternity won, but it seems like people here don't have taste.


Slime the best out of the four. Can't go wrong with Tokyo Revengers either. Only problem with Slime season 2 is its kind of slow to build up to the action. The pay off is worth it and the build up is nicely done. That being said, To Your Eternity has grown on me. Honestly, wouldn't mind seeing it win. It's very good.


To Your Eternity is different. Let's try something unique. I say look at the trailers then choose.

Paulo Ricardo

So you have a taste ? Hahahahahahah , go watch your trash ass show alone then tf

Jeremy Foster

I really wanted bleach or naruto😔. Damn it oh well I guess I can wait