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94 is a good place to stop I think, but if you guys can, ending at 100 would be crazy because everything after 92/93 to 100 does not disappoint.


Yea, ep 94 ends the arc. Well, ends the arc and begins next arc since it adapts the last chapter of the arc and starts 1st chapter of the next arc. But good stopping point since ep95 gets new opening.

Yolo Samurai

I think it ends somewhere around episode 122.


91 through 94 episode titles tell you all you need to know.


94 ends like the Royal Knights Arc I think then 95 to 120/122 is the Elf Arc but 100 could also be a good stopping point too


Ep 95 officailly starts one of the best arcs of all time. I would love for you guys to stop on ep 100. Insane episode and would he the perfect place to stop


Agreed, stop on 100. It may not be the official spot but it's a great spot.


i will see if we have time to get to 100 if so we got yall XD