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Isaiah Dickson


Anthony Cook

We need Bleach! New season is on the way next year, we need them to get caught up! 😁👍🏽

Dayvon Rose

When you have to vote between SAO and Bleach :( :(


What if 2 or more choices tied?


As a huge fan of Bleach after watching the live and remembering the anime fillers since I finished the manga. I think you should continue Rimiru Tempest’s story in SlimeS2. Bleach doesn’t come back until October so there is plenty of time to get caught up 😂 No spoilers about either series but just my two cents.


If I’m right, there’s like 96 episodes left to watch of Bleach after 167 (excluding filler)


Catch up on bleach for the TYBW arc!!!

Jeremy Foster

Come on black clover. Let's get that out of the way and we won't have to worry about it for a long time🙏🙏🙏

Dayvon Rose

I understand everyone wants to get Black Clover out of the way, but can we at least sprinkle a lil bit of Bleach just so it ain't only Black Clover every other month. PS Merry Christmas


121- 122, 126-129, and 158-170. We only have 18 MANGA Canon episodes left. If you skipped every filler episode Black Clover could be completely wrapped up in the month of January and off the polls. Just saying. Can even squeeze in episode 151 because that's the best filler episode and one of the best animated episodes in the entire series.

Jeremy Foster

It technically has a bunch of good filler and some of them are part of the manga and the one mini filler arc is being tied in with current upcoming arc. It would best not to skip any and especially if they like the petition clover. That's my concern I have but I made a list since I already finished the anime since it started and know exactly for sure what can be skip

Dion Reeves

Black clover!!!!! Lol


It looks like it will be BC and then Bleach, 😔 Where are my Slime fans at??? The Jura Tempest Federation needs your help 😂


bruh plz y’all haven’t watched bleach since like march 😫 this next arc is one of the most goated too

Jeremy Foster

I'll happily accept whatever decision but I recall tre saying we should form alliances lol. Look at it this way guys. Black clover anime already ended we knock that out the way bleach will be the only big anime to worry about and that arrancar arc is gonna run pretty long. I am also a bleach fan trust me I know the feeling but this would be a great way to knock black clover out the ball park and not worry about it for a long time lol.


You're right, we gotta form an alliance to get Bleach and Black Clover to perfectly tie

Jeremy Foster

Well it's gonna be either one or the other. I was just saying to get rid of black clover since it doesn't have many episodes left when and if. But if bleach wins okay with it lol

StealthyBritt .

Nooo tell ur friends to get Black Clover

Kermit Miller

So my Sao peeps who we rockin with since we don't have a shot this month?


My people, can we get BC and Bleach to tie?

Yolo Samurai

Its ok Slime S2..your time will come...


I'm fine with Black Clover, Bleach, or Slime S2 but I will vote for Black Clover so they can finish it then focus on the others.

Jeremy Foster

Right exactly. I'm a huge bleach die hard fan too but we won't have to worry about the black clover anime for a long time and bleach can take the only spot as the biggest anime to worry about for the rest of the year and next year. There's no way we're getting to the latest season anytime soon since that's what some are expecting and the arrancar arc is gonna run pretty long so its best to get the shorter big anime out the way. I wish we could all agree and form alliances lol


Slimebros, now is the time to come together. Vote Black Clover this month and next month we got you guys


Looks like Bleach is gonna win this time

StealthyBritt .

yeah seem like Bleach is gonna win well I cancel n then re subscribe in February or March for Black Clover


Wait I don't understand. It's not been 2 months. Why is there already bleach and black clover in the poll.

Jeremy Foster

They announced that for the start of the fresh of new year everything is eligible and fair game

Jeremy Foster

I really hope black clover gets it so we can have little left over and not worry about the anime for a long time but I understand some of yall feelings lol and be happy with either outcome. If bleach does win I can't wait for them to combine season 10/11 and that would take us to 23 episodes for the month if it wins lol


Yea come on Black Clover. Bleach is going to be interrupted again if we don't finish off Black Clover.


I am looking at the poll. Black Clover and Bleach are tied at 38%. Wow.


Just a little more Black Clover fam! =D

Fresh Shack

Damn that's tough I guess we a have a bigger black clover audience


It's more about finishing Black Clover since this would be the last time due to the anime being on hiatus. They would be caught up and then Black Clover will not be voted for again in a long time so Bleach would likely be the big anime selected for a while if they knocked this out.


why dnt the ppl tht voted for stuff tht isnt winning, vote for Bleach or Blk CLover


Since Black Clover has won, I think it's best that yall finish it off this month considering how close to the end we are at. You can watch up until ep ̶1̶2̶9̶ 130 then skip straight to 151 (for the best filler that most ppl want yall to watch) and watch normally from there would be perfect IMO, the fillers between 151 and 158 lead perfectly to the next part of the story. keep in mind that some of these fillers/anime canon eps that would be skipped over do have and provide information and context for the next part of the show, but not necessary to watch in the scheme of things. If yall want to take your time with the show for some more fun BC contents then you can ignore the above. These are the options, up to you.

Jeremy Foster

Just my perspective it would low key suck if they did skip the fillers since some of it is legit part of the manga, low key tie within the main story, and just absolute pure funny and wholesome. I low key want them to see more stupid funny moments between the captains and other characters and to.watch the mini filler arc since it still ties to the story. Like since we don't have many left and not like crazy Ton filler like bleach or naruto, though I did enjoy bleach since they didn't run longer than naruto lol but yeah it would awesome if they didn't skip. I made list and I know there is one epsiode that can be skipped for sure. But filler content is okay and stuff before they continue on the last bit of the main story at the end lol