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AOT 4X25 full

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Alex Doyle

Honestly I started enjoying this season WAY more when I just accepted they weren’t gonna finish it in the 12 - I was hella frustrated by the pacing beforehand, but now I’m just gonna enjoy the ride until they hit us with whatever it is they have planned


Another episode, another moment of Reiner getting his shit kicked + mental anguish


The whole thing with Jean at the start was him having a vision or dream of a future where he stays in the island. He is basically trying to convince himself that if he stays he can have the life he always wanted, that's why we also see him trying to ignore Hange when they were knocking on the window. But because of the type of person that Jean is he can't find it in himself to just ignore what's is happening so in the end he decides to meet up with Hange and help.


Soooooo I feel like we are all thinking it but are not saying it……Tre should make an album! His first single “Biscuits”. That intro was fire!!!!!

Earphone Jack

Jean said "Hey! Get your ass up, Reiner! Your injuries healed a long time ago!" He beat him up and now he's over it...kinda lol. And let's not forget "Reiner, I'm not apologizing to you." LMAO!


It's been confirmed that the last episodes won't cover all the manga and that the end will be adapted in a different format. movie, ova or long ass special episode ? They didn't specified but maybe they try to avoid the tv censorship.

Jassan Brown

I don't know what they gonna do with the show but I'm just here enjoying the ride


yeah i just hope they don't promise neverland this anime i'm fine with a movie i'll WAIT i don't mind it if it covers ALL the manga chapters with nothing getting deleted or some sh!t like what the other studio did to the promise neverland


I'm beating we wont see Eren again til last episode

Dominic Dinkins

Yea the beginning is a dream or vision Jean imagines himself having if he doesn't go and help. Also, we know Jean has liked Mikasa for a while. You can also see a scar on the woman in the dream just like Mikasa's.

Jess Z

I feel like Jean is imagining his life as if none of this existed. If he originally got to become an MP and live fancy. But back then he had a big time crush on Mikasa, I think it’s her cause I see a slight scar on that woman’s cheek just like Mikasa.


Lol Reiner said "let me lay here a bit and be sad"


I'd honestly forgot Jean liked Mikasa until just now. That was a nice callback


Imma say Floch is Eren's only friend. Everybody else sold my boy out for the real devils.

The Lady Miz Diva

"F*ck that! Eren ain't wrong. I don't care." Tre continues to speak for me. The ones doing too much are those -- including his "trusted friends" -- twisting themselves into knots to make the viewers think Eren is the bad guy, and how we all should hate him. Keep that noise. I like how this episode breaks down some uncomfortable truths about people trying to act like saints now. Though the hypocrisy doesn't seem to have broken through. (I don't EVER wanna see Gabi deliciously enjoying a potato!) Eren has had one mission since Day 1; to protect his peoples, and that's all. Others -- many of them sitting at this lovely campfire -- have had much weaker reasons for doing the same damage and destroying even more lives. (One of them was actually responsible for starting this whole mess that brought Eren in!) But cos Eren does it, using everything he has had shown/taught/beaten into him, to perfection -- we're supposed to hate him. What's heartbreaking is how this kid who did *everything* for the people he loved, found out after all he sacrificed, that none of them really loved or trusted him, and doubted him til the end.


Nobody had weaker reasons to make victims. They all did this to survive. Eren said it himself "We're the same". There is not good guys or bad guys here, it's just messed up. Eren is about to start a genocide and to kill innocents. This is against scout's will to protect humanity and they didn't gave their life for that. Of course they loved and trusted him, they even tried to save him many time and you see that they don't want to kill him. If it was your house which was about to be rumbled would you still say Eren isn't wrong ? I understand Eren and I don't judge his motives (I even want him to win) but it's obvious that what's his doing is wrong (in an ethics way I mean).

Reckless Company

lol right everyone has hella bodies of people they killed they can not judge eren no one is innocent they forced eren to do this


That’s quite obvious. It’s just a joke since his friends are being sellouts rn and i dont like anyone who disobeys God Eren.

Kayla N.

Point blank. TEAM EREN. Yall started this....now its time to finish it.