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Watch "bleach12x12" on Streamable.



Don't forget not to watch the next opening for now.

Jassan Brown (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 04:02:51 I remember watching those fillers back in the day & being like "Did I miss a couple of weeks or something?"
2022-06-14 01:01:48 I remember watching those fillers back in the day & being like "Did I miss a couple of weeks or something?"

I remember watching those fillers back in the day & being like "Did I miss a couple of weeks or something?"

Charlie Maletich

Just checked the "seasons", it really lines up well for your 24 episode rule, and the voting gap. Literally will finish up by October, can't wait! Even the last bit before the return is better pacing-wise, hope you guys don't lose steam with the show cuz it's got a lot of good stuff still coming


M2TR Skipping the first ep of s14 due to filler and doing 12 episodes will leave you at Season 14 EP 278. Perfect stopping point and you will also be able to watch the opening AFTER the episode is over as all spoilers will have been shown after that final episode.


Yes, the next no filler episode is ep 267 (s14). Don't watch the opening until ep 279. Anyway since 278 is a good stopping point you could watch it next month you react to bleach. The opening last 1:33min.


A lot of people didn't mind the filler since it was really good