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TLOU 1x3 full

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This episode was fantastic! The way that they lived the best and safest life possible and then died together in a peaceful way was just beautiful.

Mary Ragler (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 20:17:01 Bill is also Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation. I think he’s also cameoed on Will & Grace since he (Nick Offerman) is married to Megan Mullally.
2023-01-31 03:48:25 Bill is also Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation. I think he’s also cameoed on Will & Grace since he (Nick Offerman) is married to Megan Mullally.

Bill is also Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation. I think he’s also cameoed on Will & Grace since he (Nick Offerman) is married to Megan Mullally.


Tasha, "Earn your keep, Frank" Tasha! Stop, you are too hilarious🤣

Jeremy Foster

Glad they were able to find love in those crazy times. So beautiful


I hope y'all get better soon!!

Shawn Davis

Great episode. Feel better soon


This was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Also, please get better and I’m so happy y’all are here ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you’re such a bright spot in my life. Truly grateful. Omg this show is getting me all in my feels n shit. FUCK!!

Deanna Carter

I think Frank may have developed MS (multiple sclerosis) because of him being wheelchair bound and he said there was no cure before all of this happened. This is a beautiful episode. I see a lot of myself in Bill cause during the pandemic I was cool with being at home alone...didn't bother me...but I understand the need for love and affection. I've never played the game but I am enjoying this show.

Sydni Cockerham

If I was Bill I would've died with my soulmate also, in that world everyone they once knew and their families are dead and once you lose the last person you care about you have no purpose so I definitely would've did the romeo and juliet suicide


He does a lot of voice work too. This man has serious talent, so much range.