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Hello guys, if you follow other reactors you may notice they their pages are unavail while they remove anime content from their patreons. There is a big sweep of aniplex and viz vids so just in case if you dont see certain vids they maybe moved elsewhere {IE drive}. Videos may even have to have their name changed etc. 

Please follow us on discord for updates, it connects directly to patreon and there is a room specifically for patreon.

thanks always for your support



Oohhhh no! Aniplex got them nanites!!!!


Lol been a member on here for years and I just realized that I wasn't part of the discord

Zenru Renari

Yeah lots of the reaction Patreon users I’ve been watching are facing the same issue. Thanks for the heads up!


The tea on Twitter and discord regarding this 🙊

Jeremy Foster

Okay I see, so any reactions to anime they have by aniplex or viz media will have their name changed or moved to Google drive is that right? Just a yes anyone if I understood correctly.


Hate that yall have to do this in the first place, but we'll be here! Awaiting these majestic reactions! 😂


Thanks for letting us know. It's always something, isn't it? smh