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Loki 2x4 full

Watch "Loki 2x4 full" on Streamable.


oneil tolbert

Bruh I knew when that black screen came off Tasha was gon be sick 😂😂 I was mad as hell when I watched it by myself


i had no doubt that trey knew about futur loki pruning himself


I think when they turned off the magic it also made the Infinity Stones that were there in S1 active. Remember when they showed them? I think that they'll play a part in the next episode. The temporal radiation colliding with Infinity Stone power might transport them somewhere else. (Just guessing) I don't see any other way they make it out (except maybe Sylvie and Loki doing something fast)


This episode was great. That final 5 minutes had me on the edge of my seat

Boom man

Go check the official Loki IG page. They deleted all their posts.. I think everything has officially been reset for Marvel 👀


I think the loom exploding is when the soft reboot happens...we just haven't gotten there yet in the movies. I think the show is jumping ahead in the movieverse and we just aren't aware yet. That would be kind of crazy.


People gonna be mad, but Renslayer was speaking the truth. Her and Sylvie are one in the same on opposite sides of the spectrum. Rigid order with no room for autonomy leads to rebellion and free-will with no checks or balances opens the doors of chaos. Loki and Mobius are the happy medium, but with the pattern of betrayal displayed before him - it'll be hard for them to convince Kang to trust them. Ntm Renslayers idea of order aligns right along with the He Who Remains that Sylvie offed


I commented this under the wrong vid, but it still stands lol