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Thanks Ramone



Watch "mouse1x1" on Streamable.



Thank you, Ramone. I love this Kdrama. This one is not easy to handle but a great drama to watch.


I think this is the actress you we both looking for Lee Eon Jeong

Ramone Ruiz

This is hard to watch which makes it much better in my opinion bcus its real shit. No holding back and genuis story telling. Ep 2 will be 25 years after the headhunter was caught. Really pay attention to people's demeanor and reactions and to the story..very complex and sad story..get ready for the story of the unfortunate children

Ramone Ruiz

Predator is part of the main show, not a spinoff. Watch those two after episode 14 or wait till the show is over to watch them which is what I did. Better experience I think but up to you guys. Probably watch after ep 14