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  • 60 sec TIMELAPSE Darkmagician gangban.mp4



Second last work of the series of yu gi oh, this time I chose something different, tell me what do you think about the idea or this kind of pics e.e.

Unfortunately the last image of this series will be completed this week and this first collection financed through high tiers will be finished.

I leave extended the invitation for those interested in supporting this initiative to increase and support the content (just ask if you have any question about it)

Not only the highest tier, all special tiers give the possibility to receive perzonalized rewards through the content made and allow me to do more for this platform :D

this work and the last one of yu-gi-oh complete the december pack, links will be shared once finished

Be attentive to the other content that will be worked while the voting is in progress, don't forget to vote! ^-^



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