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I had a rough April. I listened too damn much to my stupid brain and had a bit of a crisis...
I just talked to my therapist and we are adjusting my meds and I'm working on selfcare too.

As you can see from the posts I wasn't wasting my time...I just couldn't make myself post anything (again stupid brain).

I've extended access to the reward links for 2 months 'cause of the lack of content.

Thank you so much for your support and patience with me.



No matter how things go, I’ll always support your and your awesome work! It’s great to see you posting more good stuff again :D


Glad you are getting the care you need my man


I'm behind you 100% no matter what your brain has to say about the matter!


The most important thing is taking care of yourself!

Soup Infinity (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 09:35:04 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!
2024-05-07 09:35:04 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!
2024-05-07 09:35:04 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!
2024-05-07 09:35:04 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!
2024-05-07 09:35:04 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!
2024-05-07 09:35:04 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!
2024-05-07 09:35:04 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!
2024-05-07 04:20:10 You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!

You’re allll good. Nice to see you post awesome work every so often. Make sure to take care of yourself first!

Guin Gallant

Know that we all love you here🤗. Feel hugged.