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After much deliberation and scribbling and figuring stuff out, I decided to do two different images for the mishmash of poll winning options this month. So you'll also be getting sub!Cody, as well as this piece, which will have the handcuffs in it in some way shape or form 💙 It just so happens I figured out the logistics of this one first.

The other two clones are Waxer and Boil, spot the tattoos and decipher the aurebesh 😂

I'll also be doing an Echo/Fives/Fox piece, which came in second place, with spitroasting (annnnnd possibly Shibari, but no promises again I need to figure out the logistics of it)




This is so good 🫠 thank you for blessing my eyes 🥹


Haha I had no idea my faves would be in this one but I love the tattoos XD The skin tone variations are lovely and I'm still *_* over Cody's lips


I‘m totally in love with the way Cody is holding Obi-Wan‘s head and pulls the hair back. So tender in the midst of… all that‘s happening 😄😏