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Hello all! 

To celebrate the launch of my Patreon, I'm posting the first character snippet for the month early instead of a weekly progress report! As described in the tiers, through these posts you will get access to a separate html game file on itch io where you can "play" through the character snippets with your own Crown! 

The link for these will change on a monthly basis, and they also differ per tier, so make sure to check the most recent snippet post for the latest link!

I'll be adding 2 character snippets a month (see the pinned posting schedule) and will alternate between which LIs I post every month so that there's an equal split. 

All that being said, here's the link to the character snippets for everyone that's Tier 1+. Enjoy!



Am I dumb? Or did we not get the password already?


It's included in the link, so you don't have to manually input it!


Whenever I click the link it says I need to input a password... :(


I edited the link, try it now! If it still doesn't work the password is refreshingicecolddrink


R....my beloved i love them so much 😭😭