Weekly Progress Update [24/APR] (Patreon)
Hey gang, hope you had a nice weekend!
There won't be much to report on for this week's progress update. I've made it to 6.5k words so I'm going to readjust my previous goal for April and set it at 10k instead! It'll be a challenge to see if I can make it, since my overall goal for Chapter Nine is 40k, which would mean that I'll be 25% of the way through with the draft after only 3 weeks!
No promises though lol
As far as the actual content of progress: I'm almost finished with the opening scene. The variations in it are so many that I think it's easily going to take up 10k+ words just for that. For comparison, the entire scene of Ashadūna's performance in Chapter 8 was 11.5k words.
Hopefully, the rest of the 30k words can be dedicated to story progression and LI scenes! I want to have room for 1 major scene for each LI route, and from previous experience that tends to average 3-4k words. Which, multiply that with 4, and that's another 16k words spent purely on that variation.
Which would mean that there's roughly another 15k left for story progression and plot developments!
Basically, this progress update ended up being a breakdown of the chapter structure and wordcounts lmao. But hopefully that gives you a better idea of what I'm currently working on, and what the timeline is looking like as of right now! I'm really hoping to up my wordcount goal for May to 15k, but even then it'll take me until summer to finish this bad boy.
That was it for this week!
See you all next time 💖