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Hey all!! We're back with another character snippet, which I'm very proud of considering I released a whole chapter this month ✨

This one's for A's first meeting with the Crown in CH2! Here's the link for this month! 

The tier 3 file will also be updated with A's snippet; I'll be posting it shortly, as it also includes D's romantic snippet as an added bonus. Keep an eye out for that!

As a reminder, the link for these snippets will change on a monthly  basis, and they also differ per tier, so make sure to check the most recent snippet post for the latest link!

Hope you enjoy 💖



So interesting to see their point of view, i genuinely thought A chose that line of work to correct the (many) wrongs of their father, but its neat to see its not entirely the case 👀 i wonder when A is gonna tell the crown about her