Fugly Versus the Girl Part 2 (Patreon)
Rocker Grrl tries to get the upper hand by changing into Morrigan from Darkstalkers but Fugly won't have any of it! He goes Chun-Li ("Streetfighter") on her ass!
A small side note, This Fugly update was so big, I had to break it down into two pieces! In addition, some may be curious why Pyra makes an appearance in the sequence when she placed second in the poll next to Samus (although for a while it was a close call between the two!). That's because some of the characters showing up in these sequences were preselected by the creator of Mr. Fugly, MrInternetman. One such character was none other than Chun-Li! In cases where patrons vote for a fighting game character already picked up by MrInternetMan, I'll also use whoever ranks second in that poll. Potentially, second place winners in the Mr. Fugly sequence polls can show up in the final sequences!
Next part:
Fugly Versus the Girl Part Three | Zoe Crockett on Patreon