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I know from personal experience bras are a pain in the neck...or back.  Sometimes you have to be a real contortionist to get that thing hooked in the back!

A few people requested a sequel to "Alternate Family", so I drew this up.  I just want to say thank you for the comments and feedback, as they can help nudge me in the direction for the kind of content people want to see.



Madison Anderson

I'm behind you on the E, though-- still getting by with soft bralettes. So I guess I've got that to look forward to, huh? My girlfriends are already teasing me about it. What's the Oprah statistic? 80% of women have bras that don't fit right?


Growing boobs is one of the fun parts of hormones and transitioning (at least for me)! I've found sports bras to be a nice way substitute for a proper bra until I can get something more form-fitting. Because I'm 6 Foot Four and small chested, I have to get custom bras.


Haha love the family dynamics, it’s always funny to see the aftermath of this sort of stuff! Great work!

Madison Anderson

My girls are just starting to come in. But they're definitely there. It was surreal-- one morning I'm in the shower and I'm like "Wait a minute! Houston, we have underboob..." It's very gender euphoric, actually.

Ella Cherry

Thanks for doing more of this nice family! And, well, I’m far from being tired of seeing them! 😉


"Blood makes me squeamish"? So how did you handle your periods, missy?

Reynna Romero

Out of sight out of mind perhaps, or maybe because it’s just a part of the body’s monthly cycle she got used to it? Meanwhile the shaving is a conscious action where one brings a sharp blade towards their face, and ultimately any injury is either your fault or the fault of a defective or used razor.

Reynna Romero

Of the four I think the mother got the shortest straw.

Madison Anderson

Regarding contortions to hook your bra in back: You do know about the hook and spin technique for putting your bra on, right? Put on backwards, hook it, spin it so it's facing correctly, arms through straps, scoop the boobs (or if you're still a member of the itty bitty titty club like me, they pop in on their own :P)


Holy Mother of Moses! This is the first time I've ever heard of this! That's actually kind of brilliant. Thanks for letting me know about this. I'm guessing the husband in the illustration above has yet to hear of that method as well. :)

Madison Anderson

I am very lucky— my fiancée accepted my coming out, so she teaches me girl stuff