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  • Her Undivided Attention (mp4 version).mp4



You have it.

I finally dived back into animating again! I thought making small simple loop would be a nice approachable way to dip my feet back into animating and it was but man, I did not realize just how much work it was going to be to make something like this. Still, I'm happy with the outcome and I feel like I've learned a little bit about animating stuff from doing this but more importantly, I do hope this little animation of Raven is something that you'll all like!

There's a mp4 version of it (I had to add the mp4 version as an attachment below to this post since patreon wouldn't let me post it directly for image posts) and 2 gif versions. One version being at a smaller resolution but somewhat more reasonable file size for a gif while the other is at full resolution but at the expense of being much larger file size for a gif!

And a big, big thanks to my pal, LewdsSonk who helped out with giving feedback on the animation plus lending a ton of help with the special effects in it such as the smoke coming from the incense sticks and all the bloom/glowing effects you see on Raven and the foreground elements. As always, I would like to shout them out and give you some links on where you can find their work too if you're curious to check them out.

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Atom Spark

Very nice! 👌😌🍑


Great job! And what an amazing sight to see~

Big Tony

Oh my... I LOVE THIS!!!! Amazing work as always!

Mr. Lens

I'm in the right timeline cause this is perfect.

Mercy Frey

Raven certainly has *my* undivided attention as well lol. Fantastic work on the animation RRR!


Got to say to me raven just looking adorably cute. Phenomenal as always raven!


Those booty quakes are just as jiggly as we all imagined Excellent job! Happy to see another animation from you, and in color as well! Great stuff


You did a fantastic job animating this! It's very smooth. I honestly can't wait to see the future animations that will be made because of this.

Alex Tran

I love this so much! Thank you this blessing!

Shawn Fiction

I think she's about to pounce! 😍


The jiggle effect is quite nice as is the change in lighting as she moved. Raven blinking makes her motions even more teasing while her posture reminds me of a cat that might pounce at any moment. Hopefully there is a smile hidden behind those arms and it isn't too feral. You even animated the motion of her fingers and forearms as they respond to her shifting center of gravity. Very impressive. Well, now that her attention has been obtained, it's time to do ones best to prove worthy of it. This opportunity may not come again.


If this was frontal movement.... holy hold my heart, this is delightful to watch on loop ^_^. Thank you for this gift!


Love it! Thank you so much for blessing us with this!


Man, you've really improved over the years. huh?


This is amazing, such fantastic work


Booty quakes indeed lol. And thank you. It was a surprising amount of work to fully color what I thought would be a fairly simple looping animation but I'm happy that I was able to stick with it and get it all done in the end (:


Thanks! I still have a really tricky time with animating stuff and there's a whole lot of stuff I'm going to have to learn along the way but hopefully I can keep at it. There's a bunch of animations that I think would be fun to make. (:


Glad you noticed all the little details! I thought making Raven blink as well as having certain parts of her body shift slightly as she sways from side to side would help liven up the animation.


Dude! I dont remember you animating. I'm impressed! Not only is your art so fine and shiny but you can even animate with the same quality? I just gotta applaud ya! *Clapclap*


I've only animated a couple of sketches that I did a while back so I don't blame you if you don't remember me animating anything lol. Glad you liked how this one turned out though!


I sure do! Cannot deny that :D I'd love to see more animations from you in the future so next time you decide to make one, you'll know i'll be one of the fans eager to see it.


Beast Boy is a lucky man

Azahar Centeno

Hey, are you SURE you have *two* different files? Because when I saved both versions - they both turned up 735 x 514 at 12MB files… and I’m pretty weirded out. I’m certain that one other file should have been a different size entirely.🤔 Anyway… Whomever was asking for her attention, they sure obtained it. If I was asking for it. I’d be in GIGANTIC Danger.😩


This is so good, cant wait to see what you attempt in the future!


I am a moron. This whole time I had uploaded the same small resolution version of the gif twice in the post. I just uploaded the larger resolution version of the gif now so please let me know if you can see it. If you were asking for it then you might only be in danger. You only end up in gigantic danger with Raven if she's huge and doing this over your entire city lol.


Thank you. I'm already thinking about what could be the next fun little thing that I could try to animate.

Azahar Centeno

“You only end up on Gigantic danger if she’s huge and doing this over your entire city lol…” … You’d know *I was the one* that asked.😅 (P.S. It’s alright. I pointed out the problem, because I did believe something was odd at first when I saw the files uploaded. I saved them both, and checked their file sizes. (I have a Mobile Device, but they do reveal info on file sizes.) So when I realized my suspicion was correct, I had to be direct with the discovery. Glad to see that you got it corrected.😌 She looks stunning.🥹)


Glad that the issue is fixed now! (: And maybe we would know it was you that asked Raven to do this if she were huge lol. But I can also imagine many others asking her to do the same thing too.

Azahar Centeno

I take pride in KNOWING I asked.😌 The daughter of Triton himself, not being told to be as enormous, and proud of her beauty, would be a waste to not take the blame. I… am a humble person.🥹 (Anyway, just saw you uploaded a new item. Gonna go see now.)


I fucking love her. Nothing beats a goth girl with a big ass~ 💜


Can we see versions like this for starfire and blackfire?


Cant stop looking. Its almost hypnotic. Like her ass is calling out to me