Photoshoot with Faximili! (Patreon)
I did it! It's only been a little bit over a month (20th of May) but it was a doozy! I made some new animations this week, did more coding and even added some graphical changes to Faximili's lighting in general.
Now, Faximili has two new magic commands but they'll have to be unlocked! After a couple of unlocks, a new mode will be available where 🫵YOOOOOU🫵 get to fight the blue hex with your cardboard spacehip! You'll have access to four commands you can redeem with points, some stronger than others. But watch out, Faximili doesn't hold back! Once she gets drunk, all freshly unlocked commands will be gone until they are unlocked again.
And with that, I think it's all I need for Faximili! There's not much I could add that would be fun aside from new idle animations here and there. Despite how long making all of those animation takes, it's very fun to see everything come together nicely!