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Little known story of the flight test conducted by the Soviets with the captured Northrop F-5 Tiger in 1976. Despite being inferior to Soviet MiG-21 and MiG-23 the F-5 results in the mock fights nevertheless unpleasantly surprised the Soviet Air Force Command.


When The Soviets Tested The Captured F-5 vs MiG-21

Little known story of the flight test conducted by the Soviets with the captured Northrop F-5 Tiger in 1976. Despite being inferior to Soviet MiG-21 and MiG-23 the F-5 results in the mock fights nevertheless unpleasantly surprised the Soviet Air Force Command.



I only recently found your channel and I ran through the whole content library. Absolutely adore your content!

Fritz Krammer

I really love all the looks on the other side in the period, the awe on simplicity of matience the f-5 to the soviets reminds me of reading about how the USAF was amazed on the turnaround rate for the Mig-15.


Thank you for this story. While interesting in itself, and presented well, it also gave me some insights into the F-5. The design aimed for practicability and maintainability instead of trying to outperform competitors on paper. Is it coincidence that this design came from a private initiative rather than a government request? I think not. I'm an engineer as well, though not in any field related to aviation or arms, and I try to make maintainability and accessibility the top priority on my projects. I appreciate how Northrop seems to have followed that philosophy as well, with great results. I only wish that 60 years after Northrop, I didn't have to still fight for it constantly. Also it was fun to see my country's jets in your video (I'm neither russian nor american). A pair of F-5s used to launch from a nearby airbase every afternoon like clockwork when I was a kid. I remember that I liked to watch them when I was outside, but also how annoying it was when you were watching TV or speaking with someone; they were seriously loud; for about 30 seconds it would drown out everything else.