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  • Tamaki_Ass_Shake.mp4
    00:00 / 00:00



It's been over a year since I last did any animation and it was in blender, so this may look noticeably worse since I did it in Virt a Mate, but I wonder - how important are graphics to you or is the level in the video more or less "acceptable?" Do you want to see more?

I'll just be honest in saying that I don't want to use blender for animations right now because it frustrates me.

I just thought of making some animated content, even if I'm more likely to change an existing scene. Future animations will also (most likely) be changing someone's scene and 'futafying', if license of their scene allow me to do it. This scene was bundled with vam by default.

I have very few characters in VAM so for now I'll only use Tamaki & Scarlet.

Also there no need to worry about me dropping pics creation or reducing their quantity per month, i just do those animations when i have time and desire work on them, it shouldn't hurt my main content.




Honestly it looks really good still


I have a penchant for floppy futa cocks, and the back view is a bonus, so I'm more than happy to see more of this. Might I request for a HD MP4 version? 🥰 Virt-A-Mate looks good in my opinion, and it's barely any more "rigid" than an average quality Blender animation.


I agree an HD version would be great! Also where is your pfp gif from?


I use premier rush to make that video (just removed useless parts of video) and i tried to export in 4k, but file size remains same, just as quality. I can't see a difference, so i'm not sure if i can do it better. If it because of tamaki pixelated hair, then it related to in-game anti-aliasing and for now i'm not sure how to fix it, or if it even fixable. Although now i remembered some plugin which can render video in more high resolution. I'll test it next time to see, if it can support screen space ray tracing hack i'm using (replacing vam.exe on SOTTR.exe)


Steven, do anime girls


Team flaccid won tonight 🙆🏻‍♀️🙌🏼🗣️✨


This is so good!


Honestly if you upload your characters to VAM, that would be awesome, I think VAM is great!


great! i use vam frequently.


Would always want to see more!


Totally supporting you with this. Idle animations to loop on the desktop is💯


Cock-flopping is a big part of my futa fantasies. Love to see it


Simple but effective, I can fap to floppy ding dong quite easily.


Any chance you'd be willing to release either models or scenes of your VAM work? I'd be down to pay extra for it.


I can't really share them. Different content have different licenses and some of them not permitting me to redistribute files . Tamaki and Scarlet are Paid Content and creator who did them now on "pause' on patreon and not even accept new members (I tried to sub to get new models, but it's impossible. Maybe someday they re-open their patreon again) Dance itself is in default vam folder, you should get it when you install software, so you can use that one and replace character on yours. Hopefully it at least something


The quality of this looks great to me. I'd love to see more animation content like this, it really brings the characters to life!