Tamaki (Short Animation) (Patreon)
Tamaki_Ass_Shake.mp4 00:00 / 00:00
It's been over a year since I last did any animation and it was in blender, so this may look noticeably worse since I did it in Virt a Mate, but I wonder - how important are graphics to you or is the level in the video more or less "acceptable?" Do you want to see more?
I'll just be honest in saying that I don't want to use blender for animations right now because it frustrates me.
I just thought of making some animated content, even if I'm more likely to change an existing scene. Future animations will also (most likely) be changing someone's scene and 'futafying', if license of their scene allow me to do it. This scene was bundled with vam by default.
I have very few characters in VAM so for now I'll only use Tamaki & Scarlet.
Also there no need to worry about me dropping pics creation or reducing their quantity per month, i just do those animations when i have time and desire work on them, it shouldn't hurt my main content.