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In an embarrassing sparring session, Chunky learns that he somehow has become MUCH worse at fighting. Then, he goes to a sleepover date with Josy in her urine-drenched pillow fort. Things get weird.

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/v0qvdqd6nwhdant38z66z/Being-a-DIK-EP-143.mp4?rlkey=ttuos1jpdhdj2fk1mbqbz1dj0&st=5aamv461&dl=0



Mark Blythe

you need to retrain for the fights i guess


The fights are hard because your stats are low since you ignored the version on the phone. Up to this point Brawler on the phone refreshes its 3 opponent's rewards at the start of almost every freeroam. Those are a skill point, a dollar, and a unique special render. You can get all the skill points by like episode 2 or 3 at which point the skill point reward switches to another dollar.


Also, at this point you could easily transfer the game and it's saves to Emre's pc if he'd prefer to do the minigames.