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Are you sad we're (temporarily) done with Being a DIK? Well good news, this is basically the same game!

Join our brand new and totally original main character Crunchy Dickwater as he navigates his sad life after his breakup with his super hot ex-girlfriend Steph. Luckily for him he's got a radical best bud (who is DEFINITELY not exactly like Derek from Being a DIK) helping wingman for him! We hope you like faps in your fraps because it's time to take a Leap of Faith!

Link to the video - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gsi3aahiz7qsjomz4d5ks/Leap-of-Faith-EP-01.mp4?rlkey=dxoccputj9lv9lkpwtor1duw3&st=tsrr6p72&dl=0




Ok go for the slap hah


i like that the characters are older, but man their designs are kind of creepy.


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